Benefit concert


On March 21, the students of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Charles University joined forces for a good cause and thus made possible the creation of a beautiful event - the Benefit Concert of the students of LFHK and FAF. The concert met with great interest, the capacity of the hall was completely sold out and a total of 440 people gathered in the hall. The premises of Petrof Gallery completed the perfect atmosphere of the entire event. The quality of sound and lighting gave the entire performance a professional touch, which the visitors were sure to appreciate.

Anna Jandová


The musical theme of the concert DSC_0047.jpgwas film music, and a total of 36 musicians took turns on the stage. Their performances were perfectly prepared and they were able to play beautiful songs that recalled unforgettable movie moments.

All proceeds from the concert, which amounted to 92,486 Czech crouns, were donated to support little Davídek. The organizers of the concert are happy that they managed to organize such a beautiful and successful event, which brought joy not only to the performers, but also to the listeners and to little Davídek and his family.

In conclusion, we add that the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University in Hradec Králové are proud of their students and their willingness to help others. We are looking forward to another cooperation. 

Medical Students' Association
