The Certificate of Active Student

The Certificate of Active Student is a certificate running under the auspices of the Czech Pharmaceutical Students’ Association (CzPSA) and the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University in Hradec Králové. Therefore, the participation in activities is confirmed by the signature of the Dean of the Pharmaceutical Faculty and the President of CzPSA. The records of participation in events and the implementation of the project started in the academic year 2020/2021.
The role of the Active Student Certificate is to offer the members of CzPSA, who have successfully completed their studies at the Pharmaceutical faculty, evidence of their activities during their studies. The graduate can request the issue of the certificate, on which all educational, international, and other activities from the attached list of projects that the student has taken place in will be listed.
The CzPSA thus strives to provide active students an advantage over regular job seekers. The certificate does not serve as a confirmation of the student's knowledge of the issues or topics mentioned in the certificate, however, it should serve as proof that the student devoted his/her free time to grow both personally and professionally and is one of the active students who are not indifferent to their future.