Student Scientific Conference
The Student Scientific Conference is prepared for all students passionate about science at the end of the academic year. The participants can present their scientific project in front of professional panel and try out the atmosphere of scientific conferences. There are always four sections: biological sciences, social and clinical pharmacy section, pharmaceutical technology section and chemistry section (which can be further divided into pharmaceutical chemistry section and analytical chemistry section).
Poster section was added in 2018, so students can also present their scientific work in the form of posters. Competing with posters is voluntary - only the ones interested in adding a poster to their presentations participate.
Students are evaluated usually by three jurors, one of which is always an external professional. Two best participants in each section then go up to the International round, where they compete with our colleagues from pharmaceutical faculties from Brno and Bratislava. Each year more students are interested in participating and the quality of the presentation also increases (it is usually a very high-quality presentation)