News - 2021



"Do 31.7. je možnost zaslat přihlášku na neobsazené pozice SČSF"

Cesty farmacie - Klinická farmacie


"The main theme was clinical pharmacy, that is why we invited right off four clinical pharmacists. To get a better view on the preparations for attestation, we invited two graduates, who are currently preparing for it. The other two have earned years of experience in the practice, even abroad.."

Týden proti obezitě


"During the Week against obesity, we had a great opportunity to get interesting information about how important regular exercise is for our physical and mental health. In addition, we have confirmed that exercise can be great fun."

Beer with opportunities ONLINE


"In conclusion, I must say that it was not only a very successful event but a pleasant evening. I am grateful that despite this situation, I was able to be a part of the meetup and see familiar faces at least in this online form."

Interprofessional Twinnet


"As it is usual this year even during Twinnet, we moved into the online world of Romania to discover the culture, improve our sofstkills and „meet“ new inspiring pople. Medicine students from EMSA Bucharest had taken care of the program on the first day."