
SEP - Iași


I thought for a long time about what type of practice to choose, because pharmacy offers many different directions. In the end, I decided to do research at the university. The reason was my belief that a pharmacist should be an expert in all areas related to medicines. ​

SEP - Srbsko


I am very glad for this experience and I will never forget it...​

The lecture Paths of Pharmacy


On Tuesday, April 23rd, a lecture from the "Paths of Pharmacy" series on the topic of Medical Affairs took place. Representatives from the field first explained what this term actually entails, sparking a very interesting discussion afterward.

Mikrobiology competition


On April 22nd, a new event took place on the campus: the Microbiology Competition.

In the laboratory, there were a total of 4 stations with various tasks awaiting us, testing our theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during previous studies. We could spend a maximum of 8 minutes at each station.

Bioanalytics and Pharmacy Fair


On April 18, 2024, the corridor of the Pharmaceutical Faculty was filled with students and exhibitors as the 6th annual Bioanalytics and Pharmacy Fair organized by the Czech Pharmaceutical Students' Association took place here.

The lecture Doctors and Pharmacists Without Borders


Přednáška s lékařkou a farmaceutem, kteří jezdí na mise s Lékaři bez hranic se konala 18. dubna od 17h v posluchárně Výukového centra LFHK. 

Přednášejícími byli MUDr. Radka Čapková a PharmDr. Stanislav Havlíček. 

Health day in Aupark


Like every year, this April, specifically on the 16th, we joined forces with medical students and organized a Health Day at Aupark. Medics brought tonometers and glucometers, set up a stand for self-examination and resuscitation, dentists demonstrated the proper technique of teeth cleaning, and we pharmacists provided people with professional knowledge.

Spolko cider


The last association meeting with members took place on April 16th at the association's cider bar. The new trend of cider instead of beer has found its place because it pleases more of our members than beer.

Softskill - Public speaking & presentation skills


The soft skills training took place on April 9th at the club room of the association, this time on the topic of Public Speaking & Presentation Skills, and it was really awesome!

52. Pharmaceutical ball


The 52nd edition of the Pharmaceutical Ball took place as tradition dictates in the kingdom of pianos, the PETROF Gallery in Hradec Králové.



We thoroughly enjoyed the Pub Quiz with the whole group; the atmosphere was fantastic. I must particularly commend the selection of questions. Having been to a few pub quizzes before, I know how some rounds can drag on and become dull. 

Softskill - Emotional inteligence


On March 12th, a soft skills training on emotional intelligence took place in our SČSF clubhouse, and it was excellent. Denda and Matěj explained to us what emotional intelligence is and its components (self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, and relationship management).

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